Wednesday, March 23, 2011


My mom always talks about the "Ides of March", something about people going crazy during March because of the moon. I'm a bit more of a scientific gal myself and think it might have to do with the lack of sun for the last 5 months, depletion of vitamin D and inactivity. There is actually a disorder labelled SAD, seasonal affective disorder. People can buy medical lights to help with the depression. But I digress.

Rescue is also tough throughout the winter months, and this winter has been especially long and cold. I don't blame anyone, I mean who wants another reason to have to go outside in -40C weather?! But we did get a glimpse of spring and it was wonderful! We even had a few adoptions! I'm hoping the warmer weather will get some of our long term residents moving so here is some insight into what they have been doing during their winters!


Finn was going to be euthanised due to lack of space at a shelter. He was originally seized due to inadequate shelter/care. It doesn't seem as though he has been abused, but certainly was left alone a lot, and likely outdoors mostly.
He is very happy, outgoing and friendly. He is silly, likes toys, and bones, and is pretty active.

When we first got him he had no idea about house manners, people or dog manners. But after several weeks with his fabulous foster dad Finn has grown leaps and bounds. Our foster home coordinator had a visit with Finn and reported "I love him! He is so fluffy and upbeat"

He follows his foster dad around and is pretty much in love with him. Finn has learned to stay, sit and shake a paw and he will be meeting new dogs this weekend.  

If people meet him they will love him immediately. He seems to just want to please. He of course is still learning to be a good dog in the house in terms of not barreling around, but he will get there!


If you are interested in this girl I would get your application in ASAP because her foster mom might not be able to let her go!

They just got back from a week long road trip and she was a breeze from start to finish. They stayed with friends and their rowdy Wheaton Terrier and the big dogs rough and tumbled to their hearts content. Then they spent the week with her brother his two dogs - including Chip, our former Windy City boy - and she was so gentle with the little guys. She wasn't strange about any of the new people, places or dogs.

She is AMAZING off leash now. They went to two busy dog parks in Calgary, and she would do big wide circles and come back to check in every 30 seconds or so. She's so athletic, her foster mom is still in awe when she runs flat out...she looks like a greyhound. She's fast!

Her leash manners are slowly getting better too! She's got a halt on sometimes, but even without, once she settles into a walk, she's pretty calm.


Piper continues to wait for a home and is still her fun loving crazy self. Her foster mom took her to a fun match and reports that she did great with all the other dogs and chaos. She was even entered in a rally novice course and did fairly well without much training! Poor Piper has been in rescue too long for such a great girl.

Miss Lily

Lily is making new strides everyday! She is a very quirky girl, she is learning to express herself wiggling on her back and making noise. She is trusting people more and finding out that we are not scary and mean, a big feat for a shelter dog. She is playing with other dogs at the dog park and is very respectful. Her foster home is doing a fabulous job with her and she more then ready to find her forever home.

Those are our dogs! They have been preparing for their new homes during this long, cold winter! I can't thank our foster homes enough for working with these dogs and helping them be happy and adoptable. So get out your runners, and windbreakers and let's bid winter adios! And getting out in the sun is a lot cheaper then buying the fake kind, and with a lifelong friend by your side, a lot more fun!

For more information on this dog, please contact the Windy City Canine Rescue at or by calling 403-359-3139.


Our adoption fee allows us to provide the basics for the dogs in our care, but we are always encountering additional expenses (dental work, medicine for illnesses, etc.). If you would like to help dogs like this one, but aren't looking to adopt one at this time, please consider a donation. Thank you.

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